“When we first became Christians some of our friends called us crazy. Now they worship with us."
Category: Editor’s note
As our shock subsided, we tried to figure out what had happened, and the reality of how serious things could have been, sunk in.
In reality the PNG church did not need us—they could have reaped the harvest on their own—but they wanted to share the joy of the harvest with us and the world.
It has been an incredible blessing to witness firsthand the amazing impact of PNG for Christ. I’ve learned a few things that have strengthened and affirmed my own faith journey.
Most of the imagery we associate with heaven comes from our own imaginations.
To have a relationship requires some level of communication. In fact, communication is one of the most important elements of any relationship.
Families are messy and unfortunately, Christian families are often forced to put up a front to survive.
Do you really use words such as unwavering, beacon of hope, delve, underscores, realm, etc, in your 21st century conversations?
There was a time 20 years ago when I thought I was healthy because I basically followed Adventist health principles and
I hadn’t been to a doctor for years—there was no need . . . [my] results were shocking.
“I want to play with God. Can we go to God’s house?” The highest compliment a three-year-old can pay is if they want to play with you.