The moral of the story is . . . you never know where Sabbath School conversations might lead to.
Author: Vania Chew

With the first day of spring and an anniversary to celebrate, September 1 was a high Sabbath for Stanmore Seventh-day Adventist Church (NSW).
Church pastor Keli Pepa was trying to think of a way that his church could connect with and give back to the community. Then suddenly he had "a lightbulb moment".
More than 180 people gathered at Pendle Hill Polish Seventh-day Adventist Church to take part in a fundraiser for a child with special needs and her single mother.
Pastor Wayne Boehm recently became the first Adventist minister to preach in Nanukuloa, Fiji, for 115 years.
Congratulations to Pastor George Fafale, who was awarded the Service to Solomon Islands medal.
North New South Wales Conference recently appointed Charissa Fong to be their official prayer coordinator.
A church in Sydney has launched a new ministry specifically to help church members.
A leadership brunch run by the Greater Sydney Conference's Women's Ministries team was an opportunity for local leaders to reflect on the first half of 2018 and share what they had been doing in their churches.
Vania Chew knows that God sees the bigger picture. But it's tough to remember that when a loved one goes to hospital.