Adventist education in Vanuatu has such a good reputation that communities are very eager to establish an Adventist school in their village despite differences in religion.
Author: Tracey Bridcutt
Vanuatu students are missing their families but have settled in well to Aore Adventist Academy.
“It’s not only to get a degree and a good job. While they are in that institution they are an ambassador for Christ to share their faith and lead someone to Jesus.”
The new online course, delivered through the Hope Channel Bible School at Adventist Media, explores the five "solas" or principles that emerged from the Protestant Reformation.
Pastor Townend said the atmosphere during the session was tense "but people shared their thoughts in a very calm way".
More than 700 Adventists in youth leadership positions from around the South Pacific Division came together for Move With The Power from September 27 to October 1.
"Both parties have graciously accepted each other's apologies and agreed to move forward with serving the Lord."
"If there’s no conflict in your marriage, you may actually have a problem."
Pastor Steve Goods is looking forward to leading a team doing great things for God.
An extension to the Weet-Bix range aimed at those who need to manage their cholesterol.