Rafael Karis has set himself a goal—to deliver 280 copes of the Pacific edition of Signs of the Times magazine in the month of November.
Author: Tracey Bridcutt

The study of 4913 "millennials" analysed how respondents were faring in terms of employment, educational attainment and income, and also in a range of life matters.
New leadership teams were elected for the Papua New Guinea Union Mission and the Trans Pacific Union Mission at this week's year-end meeting of the South Pacific Division Executive Committee.
#weRtheCHURCH is back on November 20 and it's going to look a little different this time.
A Bible study group started by two sisters in Papua New Guinea has grown tenfold in just six months.
How two retired pastors and a former Sanitarium engineer got an old mission station engine fired up again.
South Pacific Division CFO Rodney Brady said the Church's finances have taken a hit, but have so far withstood the pressures.
Youth, Ambassadors, Pathfinders and Adventurers were involved in a march and a flag-raising ceremony.
Members of a Papua New Guinea fellowship group gratefully received 53 World Changers Bibles recently.