Our new Record series, *Living Covenant*, explores Old Testament characters and what they teach us about living in faith with God, who promises never to leave us.
Author: Jarrod Stackelroth

Our concept of what a missionary is, must update and change from what it was in the past.
Attendees from diverse backgrounds and church settings, gathered on the Gold Coast, Qld, to be equipped and upskilled in leadership.
I learned a few lessons that night about my life and my faith.
We’ve all experienced the boredom or apathy that comes with too much familiarity.
GAiN celebrates 20 years as ATS joins them for the Digital Strategy in Mission convention.
“When we first became Christians some of our friends called us crazy. Now they worship with us."
As our shock subsided, we tried to figure out what had happened, and the reality of how serious things could have been, sunk in.