The NNSW office in Cooranbong has been left without power and temporarily closed after a severe storm swept through the area on Wednesday evening.
Author: Henrique Felix
Mr Bailey will succeed David Knight, who will retire at the end of the year after 19 years of service.
Shaun Lorentz replaces Russell Halliday, who announced his retirement after 40 years of denominational service.
After 40 years of denominational service, Russell Halliday, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the North New South Wales Conference, announced his retirement at the end of this year.
Originally opened in 1984 with 20 students as Maitland Adventist District School, the institution closed in 1994. After years or planning, it was reopened in May this year.
After moving out of the Wallsend office in June 2023, the office staff operated temporarily from the Education Hall at Avondale University while the new permanent building underwent renovations.
Based in a predominantly Indigenous town (61.4 per cent), Brewarrina church is offering programs and support to meet the community's needs.
Starting activities in 2019, the Newcastle University Church group officially became a church company last Sabbath.