A further 16 inmates have committed to be baptised before the end of the year.
Author: Garry Laukei
Discovery Bible Reading allows people to read the Bible for themselves, ask questions, and find answers as they read and discuss.
Following the baptism an agape feast was held to welcome the new members into the church family.
Pedro Paul had a dream . . . with the help of Discovery Bible Reading it's becoming a reality.
The Kerevat Adventist Students' Association has been very active in church programs and have led students to baptism.
The group, including Adventurers, Pathfinders, youth and community members, were accompanied by a police escort to the Kokopo Town Market.
It is a first for the university to receive such resources.
Inmates sang and gave praise to God during a worship service held at Kerevat Correctional Services in Papua New Guinea on August 5.
In his spare time, school teacher Steven Masu walks along the Ramu River sharing Jesus with local communities.