The school has been without proper toilets for the past three years with the previous ablution block removed due to health concerns.
Author: Denver Newter
Atoifi staff are looking forward to the completion of the clinic, saying it will make a big difference for dental patients.
Wind Valley is a church plant of the White River Adventist church, which began in late 2008.
The facilities were provided by ADRA Solomon Islands through the Turn on the Tap project.
Almost 16 years since the church began, members are looking towards constructing a permanent structure.
Plantation owner Allen Auga was facing disaster due to a rat infestation before ADRA stepped in to assist.
Enhancing the students' nutrient intake is not only good for their health but is also expected to help improve their academic performance.
The drying shelter has allowed Barnabas Tiva to meet the needs of his own family while also extending support to other families.
The training aimed to empower teachers to act as counsellors in their schools, assisting students who are facing various challenges in their school academic and personal life.