Historic data collection project in PNG

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As part of the roll out of the Adventist Church Management System (ACMS) online platform across the Pacific Island territories, the largest membership data collection project ever undertaken is currently underway in Papua New Guinea. 

“This survey of members across each of the 10 entities within the Union (nine missions and one conference) will provide the most accurate statistics we have ever had,” said South Pacific Division ACMS project manager Pastor Adrian Raethel. 

“ACMS facilitates efficient and precise reporting which leads to better decision making on the part of administrators. The platform also makes the life of the local church clerk, pastor and district director easier in managing membership including transfers.” 

As a follow on from the PNG for Christ evangelistic project conducted earlier this year and to assist with member retention, this comprehensive survey will also collect information about “Interests”; that is, those who attended the meetings but are not yet baptised.  “We want to see ACMS used as a powerful evangelistic tool,” added Pastor Raethel. 

Volunteers appointed by the Union are partnering with those from the mission/conference level to physically visit each of the organised churches and companies to gather lists of members and interests.  These lists will then be uploaded on to the ACMS platform.

The full team of volunteers from Sepik Mission, Wewak, with PNGUM Secretary Pastor Leonard Sumatau (right) and Pastor Raethal (back row, right).
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