Greater Sydney Conference (GSC) women’s ministry ran a Cultural Night to fundraise for ADRA Australia’s Turn on the Tap (TOTT) project on Saturday night (September 21). The event, hosted at Macarthur Adventist College, raised $A7500 for ADRA, exceeding their goal of $A7000.
“We give praise and thanks to God for His guidance, inspiration and abundant blessings,” said Meleofa Tovo, GSC women’s ministries director. “A heartfelt thank you to everyone who attended the ADRA Turn on the Tap cultural night, presented items, donated and ran food stalls. Your support and generosity mean the world to us.”
TOTT aims to partner with school leaders, education providers and provincial sectors to improve access to water, clean and safe toilets, sustainable menstrual supplies and effective hygiene facilities in the Solomon Islands.
The project prioritises the needs of female students and children with disabilities. Many female students in the Solomon Islands cannot attend school regularly due to inadequate toilet facilities that lack running water, privacy and are not designed to meet their needs. The project also aims to educate school leaders on ways to develop and maintain infrastructure that is compliant with national standards and guidelines.
Every year, women’s ministry in Australia supports a charitable cause. “We are so blessed that our Turn on the Tap project was selected for 2024. Thank you for your generous support,” said an ADRA representative.
If you wish to support the cultural night fundraiser, you can still donate through the initiative’s fundraising page.
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- Juliana Muniz
- 315

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