Concert raises funds for Nicaragua mission trip

Musicians and singers from across Victoria performed at the event.

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A concert at the Oakleigh Polish Seventh-day Adventist Church in Melbourne raised more than $A5000 on August 3. The funds will support a mission trip to Nicaragua in January 2025.

Around 10 volunteers from the Moe Seventh-day Adventist Church in Melbourne have responded to a call from the Monimbó Adventist Church in Nicaragua for funds and assistance to build their new church and hall.

Organised by some of the volunteers from Melbourne, the concert raised funds to purchase materials and supplies to support the building process.

Musicians and singers from across Victoria performed at the event, including the Melbourne Adventist Youth Choir, The Solomon Island Boys, Le Quest and more.

“Attendance at the concert was beyond our expectations—having to add chairs in the foyer and the hall of the church,” said Alicia Bermudez, one of the volunteers who was at the event. “All seats downstairs and upstairs were filled!”

“We had a very generous amount donated on the night, and we still have donations coming in this week. We are very grateful for the support to the cause. We have a Facebook page where we are continually looking for ways to fundraise and would love any support in meeting the goal of $A200,000,” said Ms Bermudez.

With more than $A44,000 raised, the group has approximately $A156,000 left to reach their fundraising goal.

To support the Nicaragua mission trip, please visit their Facebook page for more details.

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