Stories of inspiration, beautiful music and updates on significant events around the South Pacific will feature in this year’s #weRtheCHURCH program. The program will go to air on Friday, August 5, and has a theme of thankfulness.
South Pacific Division (SPD) communication director Tracey Bridcutt said it is a fitting theme for the times in which we are living.
“We know that the past year has been filled with significant challenges, but we have also seen God’s blessings in many areas around the South Pacific as Adventists continue to make a positive impact in their communities—and for this we can be very thankful,” she said.
The program will feature stories on the 150th anniversary of Adventist education, American Samoa’s 10 days of prayer and baptisms, the commissioning of the first Indigenous Australian woman, Hope Channel’s launch into the Cook Islands and much more. There will be updates from Tonga, which was devastated by a tsunami earlier this year, and from northern NSW, which faced its own flooding disaster.
“#weRtheCHURCH is all about uniting our wonderful and diverse South Pacific community for an evening of worship and prayer, and to encourage and inspire members,” Mrs Bridcutt added.
The program, to be hosted by SPD president Pastor Glenn Townend and Fiona Lelilio-Tiatia, will be aired in two sessions: 5pm (AEST) and 7pm to cater for the various time zones around the South Pacific. Leading into the program will be an episode of the children’s show The Tuis. There will be various viewing options: the #weRtheCHURCH web page, the Adventist Media Facebook page and Adventist Media YouTube channel, and Hope Channel.
On Sabbath afternoon, August 6, at 3pm (AEST) a workshop on prayer and mission will be hosted by Hope Channel South Pacific director Pastor Wayne Boehm with special guests Dr Pavel Goia, associate ministerial secretary of the General Conference Ministerial Association, and Alyssa Truman, digital evangelism manager for the General Conference. They will be joined by SPD leaders Dr Sven Ostring, Dr Nick Kross and Pastor Danny Philip.
For more information and for resources to promote the program go to