Seventh-day Adventists around the South Pacific came together for a special night of inspiring stories, uplifting music and worship on Friday, July 30.
This year’s #weRtheCHURCH program featured stories about the impact Adventists are having in disciple-making, health, education and media. From Dubbo (NSW, Australia) to Christchurch (New Zealand), and from Suva (Fiji) to Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea), the stories showcased the incredible diversity of our region, while also demonstrating the unity that exists as church members share a common goal of bringing people to Jesus.
Pastor Matthew Walter, youth director for the Central Papua Conference, presented a devotional on Titus. Kempsey (NSW) Adventist Jimmy Dunn spoke about the powerful impact of picture rolls in Indigenous communities. Ten-year-old Daniel Lowe shared about his experience giving out hope-filled books. Some of the South Pacific’s smallest nations were represented with a testimony from Tuvalu and a Hope Radio story from Kiribati.

Hosted by South Pacific Division president Pastor Glenn Townend, the program has received thousands of views, with many members sharing positive comments and messages. Viewers have said they were blessed by the great mix of inspiring stories and beautiful music, and it helped them feel more connected with the church family.
Heather Hagen expressed her appreciation for the program via email: “Loved weRtheCHURCH episode—and being ‘elderly’ loved the great sub-titling. Thanks to the team who kept us mesmerised throughout. Such a heart-warming hour, especially for those inside ‘bubbles’.”
Others shared positive feedback on Facebook, YouTube and the #weRtheCHURCH web page, the three platforms where the program could be viewed.
More than 100 people tuned in the following day (Sabbath, July 31) for the #weRtheCHURCH “How to share your faith” workshop featuring Dr Peter Roennfeldt and Pastor Lloyd Grolimund and hosted by Pastor Wayne Boehm with special guests Eunice Winship and Brenna Chapman. The program shared some practical and easy-to-follow tips on disciple-making.
If you missed either the #weRtheCHURCH program or the workshop, they are available for viewing at the #weRtheCHURCH web page or Adventist Media YouTube channel.