Push-up challenge

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Dr Sione Vaka, a senior lecturer at Auckland University Technology, New Zealand, promoted a 25 push-up challenge to raise awareness for all those who are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

The rules are simple: Once you are nominated, your 25 days start the following day. Every day you record yourself doing 25 push-ups and must nominate a new person. You post this video on Facebook.

Facebook is flooded with the videos. Many of our people from TPUM are participating and I love how they are sharing Bible promises on their posts. As I watch these videos, I’m learning some important lessons. Let me share some with you:

1. Perspective. Many are creative with the camera angle so that they look fit and strong. How do you view yourself? View yourself from God’s angle and you will know that you are special, created in His image.

2. On your knees. Only a few can do a full-length push-up, but all can do it on their knees. The best position to handle problems is on your knees. Much prayer, much power.

3. Together is better than being alone. Things are better done with others. A lot of us are taking the challenge with our family and colleagues. God never meant us to live life alone; He created us as social beings. He wants us to help one another.

4. In helping others, you help yourself. The project is to help those who are struggling with PTSD, but you also get good exercise.

If you are looking for something to do during this lockdown and want to join, let me know and I will nominate you. You get to have some challenging exercise and an opportunity to share Jesus with others.

Pastor Maveni Kaufononga is president of the Trans Pacific Union Mission.

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