More than 4000 Pathfinders from 195 clubs throughout Fiji and Rotuma were part of the 11th Fiji Mission Pathfinder Camporee held at Vatula, Burelevu in Ra.
Trans Pacific Union Mission president Pastor Maveni Kaufononga officially opened the camporee. TPUM youth director Pastor Faafetai Matai and South Pacific Division (SPD) youth director Dr Nick Kross were the two main presenters.
The two speakers spoke with passion and power around the theme “Courage to conquer”, which many attendees thought to be timely as the experiences of Pathfinders during the camporee helped put the theme into a clearer perspective. The weather was unpredictable with lots of rain. However, this did not stop the Pathfinders coming out every morning and evening for their daily spiritual nourishment.
During the day the Pathfinders were engaged in activities such as water sports, challenge valley, track and trail, and community outreach.

Sabbath was the highlight of the camporee. In the morning, 34 Pathfinder leaders were invested as Master Guides while 10 “courageous and faithful” men and women were awarded with the SPD Long Service Awards.
Dr Nick Kross challenged and encouraged the Pathfinders at his final message and the service ended with an altar call to baptism. One hundred and seventy-three young people responded to the altar call with 138 Pathfinders making a “courageous” decision for God to be baptised. It was “a wonderful sight to see Pathfinders in their uniform following Jesus in the water of baptism,” said Pathfinder leader Kesaia Vasutoga who was invested as a Master Guide. “Truly, self was conquered and Christ reigned.”
Heavy rain occurred after lunch, which led to the camp closing a few hours earlier than expected. The rain did not stop the Pathfinders singing their hearts out as the event came to a close.
“We pray that each local club and church will continue to nurture these young disciples to become matured Christians as we pass on to them our Adventist identity, mission and leadership,” said Pastor Matai.
Fiji Mission president Pastor Luke Narabe closed the camp and challenged the Pathfinders with the “Courage to Go”. He also thanked the organiser, Pastor Fifita Vatulesi.
“I congratulate Pastor Fifita Vatulesi and his team for organising such an event of this magnitude and we all give glory and honour to the Lord.”