Sixteen months after Tropical Cyclone Gita devastated Tonga, Adventist schools and churches are “back to business” while many government-owned buildings still await repair.
Tag: Trans pacific union mission
Pastor Glenn Townend offers a snapshot of the community work taking place in the New Zealand Pacific Union Conference and Trans Pacific Union Mission.
Tithe across the South Pacific Division rose by 11 per cent in 2018, the largest percentage increase in the past 10 years.
From Samoa to Fiji, Vanuatu to Tonga, Adventist women are gearing up to immerse the Pacific with the love of Jesus.
The Trans Pacific Union Mission is equipping women to be on the frontline of discipleship and evangelism.
The parade to the Royal Palace to present gifts to the Queen was the focal point of today's activities for the 2019 TPUM Women’s Congress.
Pastor Maveni Kaufononga challenged all present to keep the communication line open to God through prayer.
The South Pacific's newest Adventist Hope radio station has hit the airwaves.
Adventist Church leaders from across the Pacific and more than 3000 church members were in attendance as the Epauto Adventist Multipurpose Centre was dedicated.
More than 50 leaders recently met to create systems across the church workforce that support, develop and challenge leaders to achieve the Seventh-day Adventist Church's vision and mission.