Ironically, while society is increasingly looking for rest, many Christians consider the Sabbath as done away with.
Tag: Ten Commandments
The doctrine of inspiration teaches that God trusted men and women to record His messages to us.
It is through the lens of a deeper relationship with Jesus that The Difference a Day Makes explores the blessing and sanctification of the Sabbath.
The baptisms were held at the end of a four-week evangelistic series.
"You shall have no other gods before me." In an age where golden statues and cats are no longer revered like they once were, surely this commandment should be the easiest to keep. Think again.
We would expect some profound material to fill the “holy space”—those three chapters in Exodus 21–23—between the giving of the Ten Commandments and the instructions for construction of the Sanctuary. We do, but perhaps profound in ways we might not have expected.