More than 50 students were baptised during evangelistic meetings held in Adventist schools from August 7 to 20.
Tag: papua new guinea union mission
Pastor Townend met staff and students, encouraged them with God’s Word and prayed for the schools.
Pastor Glenn Townend visited remote districts in PNG and expressed joy at the high number of small groups established.
SPD president Pastor Glenn Townend visited four small groups in PNG and encouraged them to keep growing and making disciples.
It was the first time members of the Adventist Church had visited the college with food supplies.
The South Pacific Division was the only division of the world church to have more baptisms/professions of faith in 2020 than in 2019.
Despite the encouraging growth, statistics reveal that for every 3.7 people who joined the Church, one left.
The Eastern Highlands Simbu Mission experienced tremendous growth with 5189 small groups starting in 2019-20.
PAU has responded to a surge in cases of coronavirus in Papua New Guinea.
Pastor Hibo was the first Papua New Guinean president of the Church in PNG.