The Digital Discipleship Conference NZ encouraged participants to use the tools they have for digital evangelism and discipleship.
ACMS features include efficient membership transfers, tracking interests and non-members, and generating various reports for better decision-making at local church and conference/mission levels.
Due to the pandemic, the celebrations were delayed but they were finally able to celebrate this milestone together.
The annual Ministerial Interns Camp is organised by the AUC and for the first time, this year’s camp was co-led by representatives from the New Zealand Pacific Union Conference.
The teams in both missions are excited to have a resource that is helping them to connect with their communities.
Adventists in Australia and New Zealand will join the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist project to share millions of copies of Ellen White's The Great Controversy. Do you know how to best do it?
Avondale students and other participants learned how to make disciples, plant churches and more.
A new “House of prayer” online event is being introduced by the South Pacific Division to pray for specific needs in each of the four Unions and the region.
Discover Your SHAPE is a program that helps people to identify their SHAPE: Spiritual gifts; Heart (passion); Abilities; Personality; and Experience.
Patrice Patel, founder of performing arts company "Gobsmacked", is using her talents to share the message of Jesus with children and parents alike.