Community members were invited to charge their mobile phones, take hot showers and share warm meals at the church.
The NNSW office in Cooranbong has been left without power and temporarily closed after a severe storm swept through the area on Wednesday evening.
Mr Bailey will succeed David Knight, who will retire at the end of the year after 19 years of service.
According to the organisers, the event provided an opportunity for women of all ages to reset and strengthen their faith while also making a difference.
Held on the last weekend of school holidays, the event encouraged the Adventurers to choose Jesus.
The North New South Wales Conference (NNSW) Adventist Aviation Association (AAA) celebrated with a special event at Avondale Memorial Church.
Shaun Lorentz replaces Russell Halliday, who announced his retirement after 40 years of denominational service.
Caleb Hawken celebrated his 10th birthday by being baptised at Lake Macquarie.
After 40 years of denominational service, Russell Halliday, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the North New South Wales Conference, announced his retirement at the end of this year.