Following a 14-year partnership with Mongolia, the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia will now turn its attention to the countries of Laos and Timor-Leste.
Tag: mission
Carole Platt knew she couldn’t change Kenya, but that one day educated children could.
A team of pastors from the New Zealand Pacific Union Conference (NZPUC) visited with Trans-European Division (TED) staff in London on April 11 with the aim of gaining an insight into how mission can be achieved within secularised and diverse cultures.
An Avondale academic’s research for a worldwide study of two Bible books is currently being used by Adventist Church members around the world.
Camping in the Blue Mountains, Vania Chew thought she was prepared for everything . . . then she was asked to jump off a cliff.
A group of youth from Ballarat Seventh-day Adventist Church (Vic) recently raised $A3000 for a local charity.
You may not have heard of the tiny Pacific islands of Wallis and Futuna . . . but up until just recently, they'd never heard of Adventists.
The Fiji Mission recently held a special commissioning and dedication service for its first ever Adventist Health mobile clinic.
A new church complex was officially opened on the island of Mangaia, Cook Islands, on December 28, 2016.
Adventist schools in the smaller rural towns of New Zealand have been faced with declining enrolments over the past few years, but a few towns are turning this around.