The author and experienced church planter discusses what is means to "follow the Spirit".
Tag: mission
For Wendell and Linda Downs, the way to start a missionary ministry is simple: God opens your eyes to a need, then puts resources within reach to fill those needs.
Val Mayhew is a name largely unknown, unsung and unhonoured, yet her gift was in daily use by hundreds of thousands of potential church members for more than 40 years.
In an historic agreement, all nine of the Australian conferences and the Australian Union Conference (AUC) have united together with the aim of transforming the Church, advancing the Church’s mission and exploring potential changes in its entity and governance structures.
The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia is gearing up for a very special milestone.
Afraid of losing momentum, the early Seventh-day Adventist movement resisted forming an official structure for almost two decades. So have the fears of our forebears now materialised?
A "servolution" is underway in South Queensland.
Remembering Eric Burnham Hare—missionary, leader, storyteller.
Given the controversy, the reality and the rumours, is the Church better off for the One project?
After immersing himself in Bible study, Ibrahim was so zealous for his faith that he baptised himself in a bath.