Celebrations have taken place in Bougainville to commemorate 100 years since Adventism arrived on the island. Church and community leaders attended the celebrations, held across three sites.
Tag: James Marape
More than 1100 attendees, including the Prime Minister and alumni from across the South Pacific region attended the week-long celebration.
Crowds of people gathered at the Sir John Guise Stadium in Port Moresby, PNG.
Pastor Ted Wilson's first day in PNG was filled with visits to state leaders.
An adjunct senior lecturer became the oldest person to complete doctoral study at Avondale when he graduated from the university this past weekend.
Thanking staff for serving the Church, the PM expressed his appreciation for all PNGUM workers. "You are working for eternity," he said.
Before launching the plan, Prime Minister James Marape challenged church members to own and relate to the plan.
Papua New Guinea's leader reflected on the hope that Jesus' death brings and shared his intentions to improve the country's weak health sector.
The theme "Jesus is coming, get involved" reflected the PNGUM emphasis on total member involvement.