Tag: Gilbert Cangy
The three-month Catalyst program has been equipping lay members for ministry and discipleship in their own local contexts.
Eleven participants, including several young professionals, recently completed the 12-week immersive, skill-based discipleship adventure.
Despite personal, organisational and demographic challenges, youth ministers are deeply committed to leading young people into a relationship with God, a new Avondale study shows.
A new program equipping, empowering and deploying participants for mission-minded discipleship is now offering places for 2024 after graduating its first cohort this past year.
An exciting opportunity is available to Adventist young people and others searching for their purpose that will change the trajectory of their life.
The new South Pacific Division Centre for Discipleship will be a space for people to explore God’s unique purpose for their lives.
The 2022 Literature Ministry Summit included training and workshops, praise services, team-building activities, and networking sessions.
The new centre is aimed at creating discipleship pathways and engaging many more people into the Church's core missional activities.
More than 700 Adventists in youth leadership positions from around the South Pacific Division came together for Move With The Power from September 27 to October 1.