Tag: ellen white
The live event featured six keynote presentations, four short videos about Ellen White’s life in Australia and live Q and A sessions with the presenters.
The relationship between Ellen White’s writings and the Bible will be the focus of an online symposium to be held on Sunday, November 6.
The program celebrated the Church's heritage, drawing viewers from around the South Pacific and beyond.
With a #heroes4God theme, the program will include a heritage play, uplifting music, a Pathfinder honour and a Kahoot! challenge
Will people believe God is loving and just and keep His commandments and remain faithful to Jesus or follow their own path or that of the majority?
Sunnyside, the former home of Ellen White, came alive once more on June 9 when grade one students from Charlton Christian College visited the historic property.
When we think of the disciples entering the upper room, in Jerusalem, we don’t usually give it much thought, except for the fact that this is the place where the Holy Spirit came down in great power upon the praying disciples. But could it be that there’s a mystery to the upper room we have missed?
More than 65,000 copies of a new sharing book will be delivered to people in communities around Australia and New Zealand in coming weeks.