The new, three-storey men's dormitory was opened just in time for the beginning of the 2019 school year.
Tag: education
ADRA is advocating for all children in the world to have access to education.
New graduate diploma at Avondale College of Higher Education provides new pathway for professionals.
Fiji Mission says the move is necessary to protect Bible classes and retain the special Adventist character of the school.
Mary Maud Smart had a tremendous impact on Adventist education over the course of her 46 years as a teacher, supervisor and "dreaded inspector".
A growing research culture has seen Avondale graduate the largest number of higher degree by research and PhD students in the one class this year.
Teacher educators at Seventh-day Adventist tertiary institutions across the South Pacific will seek to collaborate on development and research after attending the inaugural conference.
Students at Pavaere Adventist Primary School are excited to use new laptops and learning aids that were handed over September 13.
The last week of August was very eventful for the students at Kempsey Adventist School (KAS), as they embarked on Project Based Learning projects at a "Festival of Cre8ivity".
The government’s peak environmental protection authority (CEPA) recently declared a "ridge-to-reef" land and marine protected area that includes two Adventist institutions and one campground.