Small school receives big boost

Jaime Ramos from SANCSS Australia and kids in front of Tutuo Information Hub.

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Pavaere Seventh-day Adventist Primary school in Central Bougainville, Papua New Guinea,  received technological and scholastic support at an exciting handover ceremony on September 13.

Students were excited to witness the handing over of nine laptops, a chicken start up project, a RACHEL e-library server, a 2kva Solar Power Kit and approximately 500kgs of basic school materials and stationery supplies—donated by SANCSS Australia Limited, Global Transitions Foundation Australia and Dr Narko Tutuo, all based in Australia.

“All these donations will significantly improve the schools standards and are great relief to the school especially with the inconsistency of the termly tuition-fee free (TFFs)*,” said the project coordinator Nigel Taniung. “On the same note, the new Tutuo Information Hub will greatly assist students to build very important skills such as communication, team work, critical thinking, problem solving and many more; a huge step for these young minds especially in this technological era.”

Inside the Tutuo Information Hub.

Most importantly, Mr Tanuiung believes the improvements will result in more non-Adventists wanting to be enrolled in the school next year. Currently, nearly half of the students that attend Pavaere Seventh-day Adventist Primary School are not Adventist.

“The new facility and donations will surely attract more new interests into our mission school where God’s word and love can be experienced by them,” said Mr Taniung. “Thank you SANCSS Australia, Global Transitions Foundation Australia and Dr Narko Tutuo for the timely blessings!”

Jaime Ramos speaks to the students and staff with Nigel Tainung, project coordinator (right).
The students in front of their classroom and new information hub.
* A PNG government policy that provides pays schools to provide students with their education.
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