Our world is a hostile environment. In order for Christianity to survive, it needs "extremophile disciples".
Tag: discipleship
Almost 200 people have requested Bible studies following a health evangelistic program held in Aenalaema village, on the outskirts of Honiara, Solomon Islands, in May.
The recent gathering was an opportunity for those already leading out in small groups and those hoping to lead in the future to come together to eat, share and be trained in leadership areas.
More than 160 delegates attended a three-day Primary and Secondary Adventist Educators and Chaplains Conference in Auckland over the weekend of June 8-10.
The author and experienced church planter discusses what is means to "follow the Spirit".
What would get you more excited: seeing local church members on fire for mission, or being charged by an elephant?
Ten Bible Discovery Reading groups have started on the island and some people have started coming to church.
Pastor Glenn Townend reveals the impact of Bible reading groups led by average people.
The farming-cycle discipleship model is “reaping results” in Madang Manus Mission (Papua New Guinea), with 142 people baptised following a recent evangelism series.
In an historic agreement, all nine of the Australian conferences and the Australian Union Conference (AUC) have united together with the aim of transforming the Church, advancing the Church’s mission and exploring potential changes in its entity and governance structures.