Celebrations have taken place in Bougainville to commemorate 100 years since Adventism arrived on the island. Church and community leaders attended the celebrations, held across three sites.
Tag: Danny Philip
Pastor Danny Philip encouraged leaders to embrace change with a growth mindset and that nothing would work if there was no consultation with the Holy Spirit.
New Zealand Pacific Union Conference president Pastor Eddie Tupa’i has provided an update on the situation in New Caledonia, following the recent political unrest in the country.
Children’s ministries directors and Adventist Book Centre managers in the Papua New Guinea Union Mission (PNGUM) were trained on the new Sabbath school curriculum Alive in Jesus.
Pastors were shown how simple it is to start a conversation with Hope and how easy it is to share her with others.
Pastors, ministers, lay people and Bible workers from across Vanuatu were 'Empowered to Go' after the Vanuatu Mission ministerial conference in December 2022.
Stories of inspiration, beautiful music and updates on significant events around the South Pacific will feature in this year’s program on August 5.
Launching the Discipleship Empowerment Team, the PNG Union Mission called on local churches and institutions to effectively participate in disciple-making.
Thanking staff for serving the Church, the PM expressed his appreciation for all PNGUM workers. "You are working for eternity," he said.
A high-powered transmitter was installed by the Hope FM engineering team, and radio was switched on in the Kokopo province in PNG on August 4.