Tag: Australian Union Conference
The roadshow was a collaboration with The Worship Project, an AUC run initiative that inspires individuals and families to get involved in daily worship.
A highlight of this year’s ATSIM camp was a Sabbath-afternoon baptism, after which a further seven people responded to an appeal to prepare for baptism.
South Pacific Division CFO Francois Keet has emphasised the SPD’s strong commitment to utilising tithe for frontline mission initiatives.
Leaders from the Southern Asia-Pacific Division have expressed heartfelt gratitude for the partnership with the South Pacific Division.
The goals of Mission Refocus include launching 20 projects with 200 long-term volunteers and 2000 short-term mission trip participants.
The Amplify summit marked a significant milestone for the growing radio network.
The event included young people sharing their stories of God's work in their lives.
Not only did the activity encourage fun and fitness, it also enabled church members to actively engage with curious onlookers in the crowd.
Pathfinder clubs are encouraged to organise a group outing and watch the film together.