Tag: Adventist pioneers
Inspired by Philip Reekie, a group of cyclists and their support crew embarked on a 1160km journey from Brisbane, Qld, to Eugowra, NSW, over seven days, riding up to 200km each day
Did you know that teenagers started the Adventist Church?
This year's program sought to inspire young people watching to share the same faith as the early pioneers.
We need good, solidly-biblically-grounded and well-read Adventist Christian lawyers. For who knows, like Queen Esther, they may in future be called upon “for such a time as this”.
Discover the Adventist pioneers who brought the Advent message to Australasia.
There is a golden thread of voluntary loving labour by church members running through all these historical records.
The history of Seventh-day Adventism's relationship with fundamentalism is explored in two recently published books. Regardless of the viewpoint, it is clear that the Church's approach to fundamentalism has shaped Adventist faith and life in many ways.
The attitude of having everything figured out about what will take place in the end times and making these things the main focus requires further examination.