Secondary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students around Australia were given the opportunity to design and submit artwork and a supporting story that would represent Adventist Schools Australia's vision for reconciliation.
Category: News
With the rescheduling of graduation from December, two-thirds of the 299 class members marched on Sunday, April 10.
Small group ministry is still providing momentum in Eastern Highlands Simbu Mission of PNG, with the church growing and training continuing.
Papua New Guinea Union Mission will partner with Adsafe to provide a safe environment for children and vulnerable adults.
The influence of his father and an advertisement for a scholarship encouraged Urijah Liligeto to begin his journey as a healthcare professional who is now helping his country make choices to improve quality of life.
In the lead-up to Australia’s federal election on May 21, Adventists are being asked to contact their local Member of Parliament and the federal senators in their state, urging them to support the Religious Discrimination Bill without amendments.
“The results are testament to the commitment that both leadership and staff have to patient care and to the excellent clinical and medical services that we offer,” said Adventist HealthCare Limited CEO Brett Goods.
Forty-one generators were donated to meet the needs of Adventist schools, ministers and pastors in remote areas of Solomon Islands where electricity is not accessible.
Launching the Discipleship Empowerment Team, the PNG Union Mission called on local churches and institutions to effectively participate in disciple-making.
Dr Sandra Krishnan is encouraging women to resume their regular health checks after a decline in cancer screening rates during the pandemic.