The scheme provides financial support for the purchase, acquisition and major refurbishment of local church buildings in the higher-cost regions of Australia and New Zealand.
Category: News
Churches on the island of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea, conducted a God First stewardship program, focusing on engagement and service within the local prison.
Special guest speaker Curtis Hall travelled across seven conferences, visiting 24 locations to undertake Sabbath school training with SS leaders, facilitators and attendees.
The event aimed at creating connections and relationships between homeschooling families in NNSW.
According to local authorities, the natural disaster killed more than 155 people, injured hundreds more and displaced more than 10,000 people.
At its largest graduation ceremony to date, PAU received a significant government donation, presented by the vice minister of National Planning.
Students and staff at Mamarapha College will now have their stories shared across Australia, courtesy of a new radio studio on campus.
Sydney Adventist Hospital will now be able to change lives through earlier detection and treatment of cancer and brain disease thanks to its new PET-CT scanner that features cutting-edge technology.
Published by Signs Publishing, The Green Dress contains 52 devotional readings that prompt reflection on God’s presence in our everyday experiences.
The Adventist Church was represented at a meeting with the Attorney-General and Opposition Leader.