The event featured a series of keynotes, practical presentations and workshops by Adventists who use media and creativity in their professional or personal spheres.
Category: News
Four women representing ADRA Victoria have joined with other Christian leaders to ask Australia’s political leaders to increase their commitment to Australian aid.
The SouperVan ministry, which has been serving hot soup and buns to the community for more than two years, now also provides fresh produce, blankets, sleeping bags and pet food.
Local, state and federal politicians came together with past and present church members to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Fairfield church.
More than 200 people attended a youth rally themed "Big Prayer" at Wollongong church, in Sydney.
Mission president Pastor Felix Wadrobert gives an update on the ongoing civil unrest in his country.
The first cohort of students have graduated from a Fulton theology program.
An evangelistic campaign with a community service component saw more than 900 people baptised in Honiara last month.
The event gathered more than 12,000 Pathfinders from the Simbu and Eastern Highlands provinces.
Pastor Leticia Moreno, from Avondale Memorial church, was awarded by the Western Shores Learning Alliance (WSLA) as a recognition for her "commitment to the school's Breakfast Club and assistance with student learning".