The General Conference president will travel to Fiji in late November to celebrate the rebuilding and reopening of 27 churches destroyed by 2016’s Cyclone Winston. He will also stop over in Sydney, Australia.
Category: News
Despite the best endeavours of staff, management and doctors, Dalcross Adventist Hospital has faced difficulties due to the current volatile and challenging healthcare market.
Bisiatabu District of the Central Papua Conference in Papua New Guinea hosted its first combined mini Adventist Youth Convention at Iarowari Secondary School recently.
South Pacific Division (SPD) chief financial officer, Rod Brady, offers some insight into the SPD's upcoming year-end executive meetings.
Young people from Apotiko Adventist church in Lae district, Morobe, are working tirelessly to reach others through community service.
The new centre has two large purpose-built rooms, a quiet area and a sizeable outside play area featuring a bike track and sand pit.
Paul Rubessa will replace outgoing CEO Mark Webster, who announced in July that he was moving to Bangkok to work at ADRA Asia.
Approximately 200 teachers from 17 Adventist schools joined forces to complete the project.
An additional 63 people are now licensed facilitators for the Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP) in the Papua New Guinea Union Mission.
Pastor Townend said the atmosphere during the session was tense "but people shared their thoughts in a very calm way".