As a boy, AUC president Jorge Munoz learned to make a pair of shoes by watching his grandfather. But what he also learned was something far more special—something of eternal significance.
Category: Faith
Afraid of losing momentum, the early Seventh-day Adventist movement resisted forming an official structure for almost two decades. So have the fears of our forebears now materialised?
Adventist Record editor Jarrod Stackelroth describes the "cyclone of emotions" he and his wife have endured while facing a possibly childless future.
While tithing is important, of greater significance is tending to "the least of these" around us. (Fundamental Belief #21)
Discover how Sam and his Adventist Students Association team are making a difference within the "cultural melting pot" of University of South Pacific.
. . . the look on the deacon's face was priceless.
Jesus’ Life + Death = Salvation. It's a formula we often speak about, yet one that is incomplete. (Fundamental Belief #9)
Jesus was naked on the cross. They never show that in the church-authorised depictions. It begs the question: have we Christians failed to recognise the radical nature of the jagged descent Jesus chose to make?