Category: Faith
Scripture is where the human and divine intersect, thus making it the perfect place to begin any discussion about doctrine and belief. (Fundamental Belief #1)
You've heard of people burning their CD collection when they come to Christ. Is it really helpful? Why are Christians overcome with the urge to purge and is there a better way?
"Everyone thinks forgiveness is a lovely idea—until he has something to forgive."—C S Lewis
Where has the Adventist emphasis on mission gone? Are we still spreading the gospel to the world or are we comfortable? A bout of Goroka Gut helps Jarrod Stackelroth think through the issues.
After 20 years, David de Klerk finally got to say thanks to the man whom Jesus used "so definitively in my life".
This year, assistant editor Maritza Brunt has decided to stop going to church. Here's why.
Dr Elizabeth Ostring explores "the most sublime, but often difficult to understand, teaching in the Bible": the trinity. (Fundamental Belief #2)