Whether you need inspiration to face a new challenge or if you’re struggling or feeling overwhelmed, Scripture can lift your spirits and give you a fresh start.
Category: Faith
In our debates and discussions, we’ve relied on theology, logic, emotion, all of the rhetorical devices we can, but often neglected love.
The transition I made long ago from being a casual lodger to becoming a committed son is one I need to make every day, but at an even more profound level.
Is it possible we may share more in common with the wicked tenants than the ones the landowner replaces them with?
The New Testament usage of the word suggests that patience is a quality given to the believer by God to stay the course and remain steadfast despite the many challenges of life.
A healthy and dynamic faith will experience growth and change, and during these times, faith is challenged, stretched and pushed. This is healthy but it is also hard.
Esther Espinoza’s journey to discovering God’s creative purpose.
As Christians, we have been given the task of sharing the good news with the world so that everyone may experience the gift of God’s grace.
Whenever the name “angel” is mentioned, does this refer only to one of the created heavenly beings we picture in our minds; one of God’s messengers sent to this world to carry out His will? Or could it refer to someone else?
The parable of the new wineskins is more than just about wine and wineskins. It’s about Jesus, the kingdom of heaven and me.