Celebrating 135 years in 2021, Signs of the Times magazine has always been the Church’s flagship evangelistic publication.
Category: Faith
COVID-19 raised a lot of social and economic issues for many households. But for Lorraine's family, there was an issue she did not foresee—the issue of race and identity.
In the parable of the unmerciful servant, we get a play by play of a man who just like each of us wants forgiveness but yet does not extend the same mercy and kindness to others.
Wilfred Kilroy was a career-long employee at Sanitarium Health Food Company.
Koinonia, regularly translated as fellowship, is a word that has become quite significant in our time of lockdowns, social distancing and mask-wearing.
Spirituality is not a biproduct of good behaviour; we are spiritual beings by design, with inbuilt inclinations to seek and understand life’s meaning.
The attitude of having everything figured out about what will take place in the end times and making these things the main focus requires further examination.
Everywhere around us, there are people lost in their sins and who are waiting to be found.
How a group of Sabbath-keeping wild donkeys led more than 20 people to baptism in the centre of Australia.