A passage of Scripture that has created much controversy in Christian communities is Ephesians 5:22: “Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.”
Category: Faith
Vaccine mandates and freedom of choice: Dr David Pennington unpacks the topic using the Bible alone.
In ancient history, pearls held pride of place for value and expense. So, the pearl in this parable represents something of great beauty, unique character and, understandably, immense value. What could that “something” be?
Ever been “caught napping”? The expression is more than 400 years old. By Shakespeare’s day it was being used to refer to someone who should have been ready for a situation but was caught unprepared.
Like the “New Deal” offered by US Democrat leader Franklin D Roosevelt to counter the Great Depression in March 1933, God’s new covenant with Israel was also by no means entirely new and it too was in response to a national catastrophe.
Most of us spend our lives waving at one thing or another —an ideal relationship, a dream home, a grand overseas holiday, a brilliant career—believing that what we are waving at is what we’re really looking for.
Despite the disappointment of a semester where our teaching program had to transition online, we have seen God’s hand clearly visible in our journey this year.
Jesus told the parable of “the master and his servant” to show us how we should be living as Christians.
During my time at Adventist Record, I’ve noticed a problem brewing at the core of our denomination.
Some have opposed vaccines, believing that Ellen White was against them, while others claim that it is related to faith and loyalty to God. Let’s address that.