There was nothing in this infant to single him out as anything extraordinary. Beyond his story…
Category: Faith
"What makes us emotionally unhealthy individuals is not the
presence of negative emotions but what we do with them."
At the end of August 2022, more than 100 church and school leaders came together to prayerfully consider how best Adventist churches and schools could form stronger partnerships to reveal Jesus and nurture the many students and families in our schools.
When Windsor Adventist Church tragically burnt down, it was devastating to members. But out of what seemed like cold, barren ashes, something new and beautiful grew.
God knows every one of the 8 billion people on this planet. He is the only one who knows the exact number of people at any given time and He loves and cares for all of them.
Bethany Home transformed the lives of many released female prisoners and “the fallen”.
We must continue to keep the identity of the Adventist Church clear.
Are you intentionally showing Jesus to anyone or telling them about what God has done in your life?