The Mount of Olives seems to be a key place in the New Testament. What's it all about and why is it so significant?
Category: Faith
Find out which countries are the most dangerous for Christians and learn how believers face persecution, discrimination, and violence in regions around the world.
Did you know that the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia took a different path in response to World War One compared to other churches? While many endorsed the war, the Adventist Church maintained its loyalty to church-state separation and its opposition to compulsory military training, conscription, and Sunday worship. Learn more about this fascinating history and the Church's conscientious cooperation with the government in a new article by Anzac expert Daniel Reynaud, published in the Journal of Religious History.
The years after World War I saw an increase in mission work in the Pacific Islands. Here is an example of the commitment and dedication that one missionary had in his efforts to share Jesus with those in Vanuatu.
April 19 marks 30 years since the Waco siege ended in tragedy. The Branch Davidians, including their leader David Koresh, were Seventh-day Adventists before creating their own cult. What made them turn to extremism and what can we learn from it?
Is your life a stench or a beautiful perfume to your family, friends and those with whom you mingle?
From confusion to clarity: A family's journey to finding the true church for their children.
We’ve explored the Australasian Record from 1915 to 1920. It was an interesting period, with World War I starting and Ellen White passing.