A support network is being established for Seventh-day Adventist chaplains working in aged-care centres, hospitals and prisons.
Author: Tracey Bridcutt

In an effort to promote inclusion and equality, there is a trend towards stifling freedom of religion or belief, Pastor Michael Worker told a public hearing yesterday.
Health professionals are being trained not only to provide for a person’s physical needs but also their spiritual ones.
As the search continues, please pray for Meang, his wife and children, and the Kauma Adventist High School community.
Tents have become makeshift classrooms for students at Adventist schools in Tonga while the schools await rebuilding work after Tropical Cyclone Gita struck in February.
Local churches will become “wellness hubs” in an effort to tackle the country’s lifestyle disease epidemic.
As Fiji braces for another cyclone, the clean-up continues from Tropical Cyclone Josie.
With an increased enrolment and five new staff, Kauma Adventist High School has had a positive start to the year.
Five students from Navesau Adventist High School in Fiji were admitted to hospital last week after contracting meningococcal disease.
Workshops focused on local church bookkeeping processes, including clear and simple biblical teaching on tithes and offerings.