Dr Ganoune Diop spent time with the Muslim community in Christchurch during a visit to the SPD this week.
Author: Tracey Bridcutt

The Seventh-day Adventist Church was represented at a meeting of faith leaders with Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Monday.
"Putting God first" was the theme of a recent week of spiritual emphasis at Kukudu Adventist College in Solomon Islands.
More than 200 people have been attending this week's South Pacific Division Faith & Science Conference at Avondale College of Higher Education, with a further 80-100 online viewers.
Local church pastors in the Victorian Conference are busy following up the hundreds of contacts made through the recent "Revelation Today" evangelistic series.
Hope Radio in Kiribati can count the country's president and Cabinet secretary among its listeners.
A parade through the main street of Port Vila heralded the start of Adventist Health Week in Vanuatu.
Four Vanuatu government ministers were guests at the opening of the Trans Pacific Union Mission Bible Conference.
The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Fiji is calling for prayer as it awaits a decision on its legal dispute with the government over Vatuvonu Adventist High School.
Seventh-day Adventists were among the 1300 attendees at the ninth annual Sydney Prayer Breakfast yesterday.