Dr Roennfeldt sees the focus of his new book as an extension of his previous books that have focused on New Testament stories, disciple-making and church models.
Author: Nathan Brown
"It's God's miracle," Melody says of her new book. "My name shouldn't even be on the cover!"
Unlike other stress resources, author Cameron Johnston's approach is wholistic. “I practise the principles in my book,” he says.
"Wellbeing Bags" were assembled by residents to remind staff members to take care of themselves.
“This book is so simple and yet shows so powerfully that every follower can lead others to Jesus in a friendly environment,” says Pastor Victor Kulakov.
Some strive for more; Jeff strives for simple. Discover his approach to writing and Bible study.
"I believe that deep inside we all crave the joy of Christian virtue because we are created in the image of Love."
Dr George Knight's latest book "offers a helpful overview of some of the major studies, voices, critics and questions" pertaining to Ellen White and her writings.
If there was ever a time to share a little hope and happiness, it is now.
Remembering—and affirming—those who have struggled faithfully with God.