Unlike the Tasmanian tiger, the remnant doesn’t hold the characteristics of an endangered or extinct animal that is regrouping in secret.
Author: Daniel Kuberek

Our lives are more than just about making sure our cupboards are stocked and we have “anything we want”.
You don’t have to go far in Logan, Queensland, to find out what kind of impact the local ADRA Community Centre has on people in the area.
The parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector isn’t for Pharisees, it’s for “some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else” (Luke 18:9). Was Jesus talking about you and me?
We take on the burden of making sure the seeds land in the right place, and we feel like failures when by our own expectations, they don’t.
A Bunbury-based mother and daughter duo hosted one of Australia's only interactive Adventist-run Christmas programs.
Daniel in the Bible went plant-based for 10 days. Can the same diet have benefits today?
ANGRY BIRDS: Daniel Kuberek recounts Australia's fight against a mob of feathered, flightless foes.
The money will help support Tomasz Grzesikowski—an Adventist man with cerebral palsy who is renowned for his charitability back in Poland.
Medical professionals gathered in Adelaide to discuss mission opportunities.