Faith in flight: A journey of courage and conviction

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Jenna loved her role as a flight attendant, deriving satisfaction from encountering new challenges while maintaining a naturally cheerful, courageous and helpful demeanour. Employed by Qantas for 21 years, she openly shared her Adventist faith, giving colleagues more than 70 small Bibles containing the New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs. As a vegetarian, she frequently promoted healthy lifestyles, discussing the benefits of nutritious food choices with her colleagues.

Growing up in a busy household with seven children, Jenna’s mother embodied the spirit of Matthew 25:35, actively helping “the least” of those in need. Jenna attended church on Sundays with her family, where she found her faith and a sense of community. It was in this supportive environment that she met her husband, Steve, at work. At that time, they shared the same faith. However, Steve’s life took a significant turn after a trip to New Zealand, where he met Seventh-day Adventists and became convinced of the importance of the Sabbath.

Steve’s new-found conviction led him to study the Bible with an Adventist pastor upon his return. Despite working in sales, where the Sabbath was the best day for business, he prioritised his faith and was willing to give up his job to follow his conscience. Jenna, intrigued by Steve’s dedication, studied the Adventist beliefs herself. After reading Romans 3:31 NIV, which states, “Do we, then, nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold the law”, she became convinced of the Sabbath truth. Together, they joined the Springwood Adventist Church, where they started small group activities, holding weekly meetings in their home to study the Bible and pray. This initiative blossomed, with many such groups now meeting weekly in homes or via Zoom.

At that point, the couple had a newborn baby and had just recently built their family home. However, Steve lost his job, forcing them to sell their beautiful home. During those early days of being Adventists, they still remember the kindness of many from the Springwood church, who brought food and even paid some of their bills. This support network was crucial as they navigated their new faith and life’s challenges.

Seeking a more peaceful way of living, they moved to Russell Island, one of four inhabited islands off the Queensland coast from Redland Bay. There, they started worship services in their home on the Sabbath, which soon expanded to a community hall, eventually establishing the Bay Island Seventh-day Adventist Church. Despite the serenity of island life, they faced significant trials. Steve discovered a small lump and was diagnosed with stage 4 non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The harsh cancer treatments left him very unwell, and Jenna, adhering to her commitment not to work on the Sabbath, often had to be on standby for her job. This meant receiving early morning calls for shifts and enduring a long and complicated commute involving a car ride to the ferry terminal, a 30-minute ferry ride, and then another car and bus ride to reach her workplace.

Jenna was strict about alcohol consumption, often sharing with her colleagues the devastating impact substance abuse had on her family. One of her brothers died just days before his 18th birthday in a car accident caused by a drunk driver. Another brother struggled with drug and alcohol addiction from a young age and also lost his life in a car accident due to his substance abuse. These personal tragedies reinforced Jenna’s commitment to a healthy, substance-free lifestyle and fuelled her dedication to her work and faith.

Despite the challenging application process for her role, Jenna fondly remembers her two-decade career as a flight attendant. In May 2021, she received the great news that her application for the role of customer service manager was successful, allowing her to advance in her dream career. However, soon after this, Qantas, in response to the global pandemic, introduced vaccination for all staff. After earnest prayer, she decided not to comply, confronting the possibility of resigning or being dismissed from her job.

February 4, 2022, was Jenna’s last day at Qantas. However, she remained confident God would take care of her. In the two years prior, Jenna had been seeking answers to some minor health issues. She underwent breast screening and ultrasounds twice, being told everything was fine. However, on the advice of her new doctor, she went for further investigation. These tests revealed she had breast cancer, with a large tumour in her right breast.

In September 2022, Jenna underwent surgery to remove her breast and an intravenous access port, called a portacath, was implanted just under her skin, preparing her for a long period of intensive chemotherapy followed by radiation and a year of preventative IV medication. Jenna’s beautiful long hair fell out due to the chemotherapy, and she chose to wear a wig. Despite feeling incredibly sick from the treatments, Jenna never questioned her faith or rebelled against God. Her faith remained steadfast.

At the same time Jenna was at her lowest, Steve lost his job again. Miraculously, a permanent job was arranged for him in a transportation company run by an Adventist friend. Once again, the family felt God’s provision during their difficulties. Nearly a year passed, and Jenna’s condition improved after harsh treatments. She was ready to return to work and found a position as the manager of a home for young disabled people run by the Adventist Church. She worked there for 10 months and saw that time as providential. However, the job was part-time and she needed full-time work as their youngest child, Jada, was now in high school.

A new airline, Bonza Airlines, based on the Gold Coast, was starting domestic flights. Jenna applied and got the job, starting on January 21, 2024, as a cabin supervisor, the same role she had at Qantas. Upon joining Bonza Airlines, Jenna informed management of her preference not to work on Saturdays due to her Sabbath observance. She was told that no special treatment was given to anyone. Despite this, Jenna remained deeply devoted to her job, prepared to relinquish it, if necessary, as her primary commitment was to remain faithful to God.

Unfortunately, Bonza Airlines quickly went bankrupt, leaving Jenna and numerous other employees owed thousands of dollars in unpaid wages. 

Despite these hardships, Jenna eventually secured a new position at a bank. She continued her practice of distributing small Bibles to each of her colleagues, following the guidance of 1 Peter 3:15 to always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks her to give the reason for the hope that she has. Sharing her faith remains an integral part of Jenna’s daily life, and she trusts in God to provide for her family and herself.

Throughout her life, Jenna has faced numerous challenges, from personal losses to health battles and career upheavals. Yet, her unwavering faith and commitment to her beliefs have guided her through each trial. Whether sharing her faith through small Bibles, advocating for healthy lifestyles or adhering to her Sabbath observance, Jenna’s life is a testament to the strength and resilience that come from a deep, abiding faith in God.

Kristiina Somerville is the communication secretary, Springwood church, Qld. 

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