Mission in action at Avondale University 

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“For a greater vision of world needs” is still the best summary of the mission of Avondale University, but our students best personify this motto. We transform lives by offering engaging and authentic Christ-centred learning and discovery. The impact: graduates who serve for good. If you’re reading this in church, look around. Your minister, a teacher in your local Adventist or Christian school, a nurse in your local hospital—all likely to be competent and capable leaders and alumni of Avondale.

Tomorrow’s leaders have many on-campus opportunities to develop and practise the love, grace and compassion of Jesus. Our students organise and host vibrant Friday evening worship services—one, called SALT, is also a centre for creativity and service that supports a school chapel program. Our spiritual emphasis weeks lead to decisions for baptism and Bible study—one, Festival of Faith, devotes a day to service. Our re-investment in full-time residential leadership roles means we can offer Bible studies to more students, particularly those in Andre, Ella Boyd and Watson Halls. Our staff coordinate service learning trips—to Papua New Guinea, Fiji and Tonga this year. And our chaplains are building even stronger partnerships with the Avondale University Church pastoral team, including leading a Connect Group for young adults on Sabbath mornings.

The message is clear: we value spirituality and service. These are key to a holistic focus that makes us so unique in the higher education sector. Mission and quality go hand-in-hand at Avondale, with students rating us number one in The Good Universities Guide 2024 for quality of overall educational experience. It’s a focus that produces career-ready graduates with a passion for serving church and community.

Your gift to the Avondale offering next week (June 8) will ensure common spaces at Avondale can support our growing spirituality and service activities and programs. It will, among other things, equip and refurbish the chapel in College Hall, providing a much-needed dedicated space for student worship services. Making room so more students at Avondale can grow spiritually and serve for good is an investment with big returns. As chaplain Priscilla Mariassouce says, bringing our students closer to God will change their lives so they can change the lives of others.

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