Harvey Great Controversy roll-out

Harvey church members holding copies of The Great Controversy.

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Harvey Adventist Church in Perth (WA) held a “Great Assembly” afternoon on August 12 in preparation for distributing The Great Controversy to every home in the rural town.  

Harvey church members labelling and packing copies of The Great Controversy.

During this Sabbath afternoon, many hands worked together to apply “with compliments” labels and pack the books in preparation for delivery. Many volunteers stayed for an evening of prayers, testimonies, Bible readings and hymns.  

On August 20, a team of around 40 volunteers arrived early, ready to roll out the delivery to 1500 homes in the community. Groups of 10 armed with maps completed the roll-out in less than three hours while others remained at the church to pray for God’s protection over the volunteers and every book distributed.   

According to personal ministries director Graham Weir, seeing the church members fully united in the project was a thrilling experience. “We were especially encouraged by two volunteers who drove down from Perth to assist with the roll-out and one volunteer who drove from Busselton to provide everyone with a tasty, healthy lunch,” Mr Weir said.

Project coordinator Alex Hodgkinson and head elder Alan Myers were also impressed with the team as the church continues to pray that the Lord will produce a fruitful harvest of people interested in learning more about preparing for His soon return. 

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