Pastor David Filo has been appointed president of the Solomon Islands Mission (SIM), following a decision by Dr Silent Tovosia to retire after five years in the role.
Pastor Filo is currently the general secretary and has also served the Mission as a church pastor, district director, chaplain, lecturer, associate ministerial secretary and associate general secretary. Pastor Clifton Mark has been appointed as the new general secretary.
Trans Pacific Union Mission president Pastor Maveni Kaufononga thanked Dr Tovosia for his “outstanding leadership”.
“He is a very humble and spiritual man,” Pastor Kaufononga said. “He was the most senior person among our group of leaders and very much respected by all. I will certainly miss him and I wish him all the very best as he serves God from his local church.”

Pastor Filo holds a bachelor’s degree in theology from Pacific Adventist University and a master’s in leadership and management from Avondale University.
“I felt that God called me into this leadership position for His purposes,” he said. “I will daily seek His leading and wisdom to lead His church into the future.
“I was not born an Adventist but converted to the Adventist Church through my dad who was introduced to the Adventist Church when he was a student at Betikama College. I decided to take up ministry when I completed my form six at Betikama. What motivated me to take up theology was that we did not have pastors in my home village.”
His goals as president are to foster teamwork, unity and alignment within the SIM team; continue to encourage media evangelism and disciple-making programs; pursue unfinished projects for the Mission; and push for a tertiary institution for SIM.
The SIM Executive Committee also appointed William Baefua as CEO of Atoifi Hospital.
“We will uphold these leaders in prayer and continue to seek God’s counsel,” Pastor Kaufononga said.